Get to know online casino games, Sic Bo, the sister game of Hi-Lo online.

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No matter who must have known or heard of the word hi-lo for sure. Because this is a basic gambling game that can be played from gambling circles near the house to online casinos. Until many people may feel confused whether it is the same UFABET game or not And if not what makes the difference? And if you have to choose between Hi-Lo and Sic Bo, which one should you decide to play? Today we will find out together. ready let’s go

Get to know online casino games, Sic Bo, the sister game of Hi-Lo online.

origin of sic bo

If you think about the country of origin of the world’s top gambling games, it probably won’t be our Chinese brother. Who doesn’t know where your elder brother got free from so he was diligent to find new gambling games to play Of course, Sic Bo originated from the traditional Chinese Sic Bo. With the simplicity of construction workers who did not know what to do. They made a lump of clay, similar to dice and guess. These simple rules become the basis for Sic Bo. 

Nowadays playing sic bo is almost only available in online casinos. Playing equipment will have 3 6-sided dice and a transparent cup to shake or cover the dice. Most of the play will be in the form of a live casino. Players can choose rooms and betting tables as they wish. Able to zoom in to see the prize results through the table’s camera.